
Unsupervised Prescription Medications Pose Dangerous Threat

Category: News   Tags: , prescription painkiller abuse, teen prescription drug abuse Most parents don’t believe their child would abuse prescription drugs. That may explain the most recent findings from a University of Michigan study which found that, despite the prescription drug epidemic, parents are leaving powerful drugs readily accessible. Researchers at the University of Michigan […]

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Study Examines Prescription Opioid Misuse Among Young Adults

Category: News   Tags: , awareness, prescription drug abuse prevention The use of prescription opioids for recreational purposes or for other non-medical reasons has grown over the past two decades. Among teenagers, there are many who mistakenly believe that prescription drugs offer a safer high than street drugs, and opioids have become popular communal offerings at

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Parents Numb to Abuse of Narcotic Pain Meds by Youth, Poll Finds

Category: News   Tags: , parenting, prescription drug abuse prevention, prescription painkiller abuse Bad things happen to other people. This is the vision that researchers found when they interviewed parents about teen drug abuse. In a report from the University of Michigan’s Mott Children’s Hospital National Poll on Children’s Health, most parents did not seem to

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Adderall Prescriptions Abused by Students But With Serious Side Effects

Category: News   Tags: , ADHD medication abuse Students at colleges and universities who want that extra boost to stay up late and prepare for exams are turning to the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)medication Adderall, while others are abusing the substance as a way to get a drug-induced high. All are at risk for serious

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High School Athletes and Prescription Painkiller Misuse

Category: News   Tags: , prescription painkiller abuse, teen prescription drug abuse With every football tackle, volleyball dive and wrestling flip there’s the possibility that a teen athlete might be injured. In fact, 2 million U.S. high school teens suffer injuries each year. Once students enter high school, athletics become much more competitive. Rather than just

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Girls With ADHD May Be More Susceptible to Drug, Alcohol Use

Category: News   Tags: , ADHD medication abuse A recent study suggests that teen girls may be less likely to have symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, but if they do have the symptoms, they may be more likely to have problems with substance abuse. The study represents a multi-year exploration of connections between teen ADHD

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Getting a Load off the Streets: National Take-Back Drug Day a Huge Success

Category: News   Tags: , prescription drug abuse prevention The eighth National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day, held Saturday, April 26, was a resounding success, according to reports coming in from across the U.S. Nationwide, 6,072 collection sites participated in the event, resulting in truckloads of potentially dangerous expired, unused and unwanted prescription drugs being taken off

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Colorado Reports Increased Child Marijuana Poisonings

Category: News   Tags: , awareness, marijuana, parenting Many states are considering legalizing marijuana for medicinal use. The advocates for such measures cite the drug’s ability to offer relief for those who suffer from chronic pain from cancer or other serious diseases. In addition, the drug is thought to have few negative effects when weighed against

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