The UrHeatingDevice Review: Your Guide to Beating Drug Tests with Synthetic Urine

Be it an employee, athlete, or a job applicant, you are a user of marijuana or cannabis and may be apprehensive about an imminent drug test. You know your system could show traces of the substances you take, and it is normal to be worried about possible implications. Typical in this situation would be finding a way out to pass a test, and one product mentioned time and again in this context is called The UrHeatingDevice. Many people consider using fake urine as a solution to avoid the consequences of failing a drug test.

The following article attempts to review the device known as The UrHeatingDevice, which utilizes synthetic urine to help one pass a drug test. Unique among its peers, The UrHeatingDevice keeps synthetic urine at body temperature without being cumbersome; thus, it is a quick and quiet method for one to take when caught in a bind and in need of passing an impromptu test. We are going to help you decide whether The UrHeatingDevice will be a good choice for your needs by investigating its features, ingredients, usage instructions, and customer feedback.

Presently, we are going to cover in detail the information about The UrHeatingDevice: describing the product promotion, what components it contains, and for what purpose. Further, we provide step-by-step instructions on how one can effectively use it, and list pros and cons based on customers’ real feedback. By the time you are done reading the following article, you will be better equipped with more information to decide whether The UrHeatingDevice is what you need and will also make an intelligent decision about your upcoming drug test.

The UrHeatingDevice Description

The UrHeatingDevice is a quick fix urine test kit designed for those people who will have to pass a drug test shortly and whose systems may contain THC toxins due to cannabis consumption. THC stands for tetrahydrocannabinol, the most active ingredient in marijuana; it may remain in your body for a pretty long period of time even after you stop using it. This is particularly disturbing, especially to those working, athletes, or people applying to jobs that involve random drug testing on the job or in competitions. The pressure to not show positive makes many turn to alternative solutions, which is where The UrHeatingDevice comes in.

What sets The UrHeatingDevice apart from any other synthetic urine products is the fact that it keeps the fake pee at body temperature, which actually is the most important thing in passing the drug test. Most of the tests are designed to find out whether it is synthetic urine or not, but The UrHeatingDevice did a great job in acting just like real urine; that’s why it became so popular for people in a pinch. It seems obvious that, by design and reasonable quality, The UrHeatingDevice can afford a level of assurance for many of its clients.

Everything that one needs for preparation and application of synthetic urine is in it: normally, a bottle of synthetic urine, a heating element, which keeps the sample at the right temperature, and a syringe with which it is very easy to apply. The manufacture has invested so much effort into making this product similar in its appearance and chemical composition to real urine that it increases the possibility of successfully passing the drug test undetected.

Due to this, the need for a fake urine kit, such as The UrHeatingDevice, is becoming increasingly common as the workplace drug test becomes widespread. Many employers in their hiring process need these tests or as part of employment where they usually conduct random tests. Given that most people lack the time it takes for natural detoxification of the body before a test, buying a high-quality fake urine kit can be effective and prudent. The UrHeatingDevice is intended to offer an easy way to get out of that trying situation, a situation in which anyone would want to get peace of mind while facing such a prospect as a drug test.

Ingredients List UrHeatingDevice

The UrHeatingDevice kit is made up of several components, each with a different function that helps users to pass the urine drug test. The ingredients used and the tools provided can help a person understand how this kit works in an effective way. Let’s see what’s included in The UrHeatingDevice and what purpose each serves:

Powdered Urine:

The core of the UrHeatingDevice is powdered urine, real, clean, and obtained from a donor. This is a powdered urine formulation designed to closely mimic the chemical composition of natural urine and hence possesses all components detected when one undertakes a drug test. Mix it with water, and here comes your sample, almost real as fresh human urine.

60ml Syringe:

The syringe is an important accessory in which the mixed synthetic urine from the IV bag is transferred into the sample cup in case one has been called for a drug test. Its design allows for precise measurement and also for easy application, necessary for the right quantity of urine without raising suspicion.

100ml Dual-Port IV Bag:

On the bag, there is a liquid crystal thermometer that helps the user determine the temperature of the urine. Synthetic urine is very important to be at body temperature for a drug test to be passed; this is because labs will always check if the sample is warm enough to prove that it’s legitimate.

Self-Regulated Silicone Heater:

It warms up the fabricated urine to an ideal temperature before the test. Its self-regulation ensures the urine will not get cold, hence reducing the chances of the sample being disqualified for being at the wrong temperature.

Digital Controller:

This allows for setting and monitoring of the temperature of the heating element, further ensuring at the time of submission that the synthetic urine will be at the right temperature.

Vinyl Tubing and Clamp:

These two are used in conjunction with the IV bag, thus allowing smooth transfer of the synthetic urine while controlling the flow.

Thermal Insulating Blanket:

This blanket aids in the retention of heat and sees to it that the synthetic urine is warm enough right from carrying through to the required time of the test.

Stainless Steel Rod with Temperature Sensor:

This rod is used for the monitoring of the temperature of the urine for further assurance that it stays within acceptable range upon submission.

User Manual:

A step-by-step user’s manual that goes into detail on ways in which The UrHeatingDevice should be prepared and used for efficient working.

All these put together make The UrHeatingDevice a complete kit for maintaining the integrity and warmth of synthetic urine, ensuring that one passes a drug test without complications. Knowing how each part works will give users added confidence when the time comes to produce their sample.

How to Use UrHeatingDevice

Using The UrHeatingDevice is the only way you are going to ensure a successful outcome in a drug test. The usage instructions are important; they take you through each step of the process. These are not optional; missing any may make all the difference between passing and failing your drug screen. By following this procedure at home, well in advance of the need for its actual use for a test, you will increase your chances of success. Here is a step-by-step breakdown in using The UrHeatingDevice.


Carefully open the package of The UrHeatingDevice. It should contain everything one might need for the procedure, like synthetic urine, a syringe, the IV bag, and all other attachments. Make sure everything is in good condition and nothing is missing.

Preparing the Synthetic Urine:

Mix the powdered urine with 75-85 ml of warm water. Warm water should be used because it gives the mixture of urine closest to the resemblance of natural urine. Pour the solution into the device till it’s full. This step is of critical essence since the consistency and appearance of the synthetic urine should take a close look at actual human urine.

Seal the IV Bag:

After filling the IV bag with the mixture of urine, you need to ensure no air is left inside the bag to avoid any leak. You should, after doing that, reseal the tubing by firmly placing the cap to keep the mixture contained.

Insert the Battery:

Take the silicone heater battery, which should be a good quality battery, for instance, Duracell (9V). Place this inside the heating device so that the heating can start. Use the recommended brand so that any malfunction in the operation of the heater is avoided.

Heat the Urine:

Fold the insulating blankets and secure them using the velcro strap. This blanket will retain the heat during the warming process. Allow the heating device to warm the urine solution up to the recommended temperature, which should be around 36-38°C or 96.8-100.4°F. This is an important step because the temperature of the urine needs to fall in this range or the specimen might be considered invalid for a drug test. If the temperature of the urine is not right, it will be almost impossible to pass, no matter how correct the chemical composition may be.

Check the Temperature:

Heat up the urine sample and go ahead to test the temperature with the stainless steel rods with temperature probes, making sure it is in range before you proceed.

Finally, prepare for Submission:

Open the lid of the IV bag or pouch and let all its contents spill out in a container. This will be where you are going to transfer the synthetic urine into the testing cup during the actual drug test.

These steps are carefully laid out so that you will be well prepared for a better chance of passing your drug test with The UrHeatingDevice. You will feel confident and familiar with the process when it’s time, as you would have already practised at home.

Pros and Cons of UrHeatingDevice

Like anything else, The UrHeatingDevice comes with a few pros and cons. Being enlightened about these pros and cons will help prospective users make informed decisions on whether this synthetic urine device is right for them. Here goes a breakdown of the positive attributes and the drawbacks of using The UrHeatingDevice:


  • Long Shelf Life: The UrHeatingDevice has been designed to have a very long shelf life. If the package is unopened, this product can last up to a maximum period of 12 months. This allows users to get this product in advance and store it at home, relieving one from the hustle and rush of having to acquire a kit for fake urine right before the drugs test. Knowing this is in one’s bag can bring a lot of comfort, especially to those who stress about drug tests unannounced, either at their job or during sports events.
  • Automated Heating: The UrHeatingDevice is an automated, digitally controlled heating device. This is quite handy as you will not need to use any hand warmers or heating pads, which does make things easier. It maintains the temperature of the urine for up to four hours, essentially long enough to see you through most drug tests. In this respect, you can rely on it to deliver the synthetic urine at the right temperature—a very key ingredient for passing the test.
  • Portability: It is compact in design and quite portable. This feature is critical, as it aids the users in carrying the equipment discreetly to a testing site. An easily concealable product offers one immense flexibility and less anxiety of being found out when trying to submit a urine sample.
  • Positive Reviews: There have been many positive reviews of the UrHeatingDevice by those who previously used it. This alone can be very encouraging to new consumers just looking to try out the product, as it means that a good deal of people were able to pass their drug tests with the help of this one. Generally speaking, positive reviews are a sort of social proof that makes potential buyers more confident in their decision to buy a certain product.
  • Detailed Usage Directions: This kit has clearly elaborated directions, which are very important for the first time user of any synthetic urine product. Clear guidelines help the user learn how to prepare and use such a device out there, thereby limiting the chances of making any mistake that might jeopardize the success of their test.
  • Directives on Monitored Tests: The UrHeatingDevice also gives special directives on how to pass a substitute urine test when being supervised. This can be very helpful in building confidence among the users when approaching testing situations wherein they may feel they could be monitored.


  • Measurement Precision: The downside with using The UrHeatingDevice is the precision required in the measurement of water. It requires being cautious with the mixing of the powdered urine with water in its liquid concentrate form, in order to avoid over-dilution. If it is too watery, this might not be thick enough to simulate real urine and may defeat the purpose when trying to take the drugs test.
  • Cost: The cost of The UrHeatingDevice stands at a pretty high rate, with the cheapest model starting at $169.95. This comes off as very expensive and is not ideal for most users on a tight budget. Although for some, the effectiveness of the product may indeed warrant the cost, to others, it can be tough to invest that large amount of cash.
  • Need for Practice: The instructions are step-by-step in nature, but the use of such a device effectively requires practice by the user. This can be a little daunting for first-time users because one will have to go home and practice the procedure to assure familiarity and confidence at the actual time of submitting a sample. If not practiced, mistakes can easily occur during the actual drug test.

On the whole, The UrHeatingDevice has several advantages which can be useful while passing a drug test; each of them has their challenges as well. Weighing such pros and cons could help people decide if this product meets their requirements or even if they are willing to invest in it.

Frequently Asked Questions

We shall answer a few of the common questions asked about The UrHeatingDevice here. Knowing how the product works and its effectiveness, among other details, will help users make informed decisions. Here are some frequently asked questions and their answers:

What is The UrHeatingDevice, and how does it work?

The UrHeatingDevice is a synthetic urine device designed to help users pass drug tests by providing a sample almost similar to real urine. The principle of working involves a powdered urine concentrate mixed with water and heated to body temperature through an automated heating system. It maintains the heat of the synthetic urine until the time comes to submit the sample, meeting the normal temperatures required for any given drug test.

Does The UrHeatingDevice work?

Yes, users reported that The UrHeatingDevice does help in passing drug tests. The device’s effectiveness will always depend on how one prepares for it and uses it. If instructions are followed to the letter, with the right temperature of the urine, some have passed even supervised tests. Outcomes may vary, though, depending on what circumstance one is into or even the type of test to be conducted.

Is the UrHeatingDevice suitable for taking supervised drug tests?

Yes, The UrHeatingDevice is discreet and portable, making it suitable for supervised drug testing situations. They have extensive guidelines on using this device effectively in all such situations. However, the customers should be made aware that some facilities are pretty strict, and there is an amount of risk associated with using synthetic urine in these situations.

How can I store The UrHeatingDevice?

If it has not yet been opened, the UrHeatingDevice could be kept for 12 months. Store it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. Opened ones must be used according to instructions so the effectiveness will be assured when a drug test is given.

What happens if I do not use all the urine in the device? Can it be saved for later?

It is also not advisable to use the synthetic urine once the device has been opened and used. The UrHeatingDevice is to be used once only in order to retain its integrity, and more importantly, the effectiveness of the urine sample that it provides. If one has an upcoming drug test, it would be better to follow the use of the product as instructed and not try to preserve the remaining urine for future use.

Does The UrHeatingDevice exhibit any side effects?

There are no known side effects associated with the use of The UrHeatingDevice, as it is designed to provide a synthetic urine sample rather than being digested or applied to the body. However, users must handle the device and its contents with care, since one handles any type of product for which it was designed. Ensuring all components are properly utilized is another key component of receiving the intended result.

Where to buy The UrHeatingDevice?

The UrHeatingDevice can be purchased from a variety of online retailers. You are better off buying from reputable companies again so you can be sure that your product is actually accurate. Pricing differs, so make sure to shop around and read through customer reviews prior to your purchase.


In summary, the UrHeatingDevice is an artificial urine device that has been developed in pursuit of creating an artificial urine which feels quite realistic and natural with the main purpose of helping people pass a drug test. This product will come in handy if working or engaging in sport field activities, or in any situation where an application job requires one to take a urine test. Throughout this article, we have looked at some of the major features that make the UrHeatingDevice the most popular devices in the market in beating a urinalysis test.

One of the best things about The UrHeatingDevice is that it has a shelf life of as long as 12 months if unopened, meaning one can purchase well in advance and be free from the hassle of last-minute preparation. In addition to these features, the device features automated temperature control, keeping the synthetic urine at the correct temperature for submission. The use of external heating elements, such as hand warmers, is not required, and the process can be more straightforward and less stressful for a person.

Besides that, The UrHeatingDevice is portable and discreetly carried, which plays a really big role in those situations where the user may be forced to take it to a testing facility. Quite many people passed their tests using this product, users’ positive feedback lends credence to it. This kit also comes with step-by-step instructions, hence very friendly for use, even to the first timers.

Ultimately, this is a decision that is deeply personal, and depends on one’s particular situation and level of comfort with the idea of using synthetic urine for drug testing. For those who use it, knowing what the product is, and following the instructions closely, can greatly raise their chances of passing. The easier drug testing becomes, the more one can rely on a steady solution like The UrHeatingDevice to get them through the challenges of mandatory testing with confidence.